The Ekain cave, located in Zestoa in the Spanish Basque Country and discovered in 1969, is an exceptional work of rock art from the Upper Palaeolithic period. Ekain is renowned for its Magdalenian cave paintings. For millennia, these paintings remained hidden, sheltered by the microclimate of the cave, in ideal conditions for its conservation. As soon as it was discovered, it was decided not to open it to the general public in order to preserve it, hence the need to build a replica close to the original. The workshop produced a set of 6 walls (260 m2), replicas of the cave, installed in the museum in Zestoa in 2007. You can admire 70 representations of animals including the bear, the bison, the deer, the ibex, salmon… the horse is very represented there with the large panel of horses or the rock with the head of a horse in the Erdialde room, for example.