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Lascaux 3


Conditioned to travel

The AFSP is proud to be able to show the world the quality of its reproduction work.

Lascaux III

The result of a partnership between the Department of Dordogne and the Aquitaine region, the International Lascaux Exhibition (alias Lascaux III) is currently touring the world.

The workshop produced 120 m2 of facsimiles of the Lascaux cave.
5 unpublished decorated scenes are visible in this exhibition: those of the Nave (Bison of the footprint, black cow, leaning bison and frieze of stags) and of the Well Scene.

A world tour, launched on October 13, 2012 at Cap Sciences, Bordeaux, extended to the Field Museum in Chicago, Houston in the United States, to Montreal in Canada, Brussels, Paris, Geneva, then to Asia, South Korea and Japan before returning to Europe.

Presented in the greatest museums in the world, Lascaux III contributes to the influence of Périgord outside the territory.

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